The overall purpose of this training is to reduce health disparities and promote health equity among medically underserved populations by adding a clinical trial component to Latina navigators (Promotores de Salud/Community Health Workers (P/CHWs) existing training. This training brings information about clinical trials in a culturally relevant manner to individuals with low literacy, non-English speaking or low-English language proficiency.
Once navigators (Promotores de Salud/Community Health Workers (P/CHWs)) complete this training they will be able to explain clinical trials during the treatment decision phase.
Decision aids/educational materials are provided for patients to help them better understand clinical trials and tissue donation as well as make an informed decision.
The training for the navigators is in both English and Spanish. The letters for the patients are in English.
Given the importance of delivering a culturally specific education intervention for the medically underserved population, P/CHWs must have the knowledge and tools to properly and effectively address the challenges that revolve around this choice. P/CHWs are there only to help patients understand their choices, so of course what treatment to select will always be left to the patient and her family/support team. Understanding cultural barriers and addressing them is critical to a successful intervention.